Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A History of German Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A History of German - Essay Example Past events that occurred in Germany have affected the current political and economic status of Germany. The economy is still a boost and has been ranked fourth and the politics are still the same, with the country been headed by a president and a chancellor. Due to the effects of the cold war, Germany has improved and the current unification of the 1990 has boosted the status of the nation. As the oldest European nation, Germany has a history that began during the interplay between the German tribes and the Roman Empire. Modern Germany was formed in 1817, under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck, the German chancellor. He tried to bring allies with Europe (Salmons, 2012). The industrial revolution modernized the German economy and this led to the rapid growth of cities and the emergence of the socialist movement in the nation. During the 1930s, Germany was hit hard by the great depression, which caused a lot of unemployment and the people lost confidence in the Government. The Nazi of Germany led by Adolf Hitler restored the economic prosperity and ended the mass unemployment using the military and suppressing labor unions and strikes. This act brought them fame and recognition. Nevertheless, the regimes were hostile to the Jews who became the main target to attacks. When the Nazi were defeated, this brought forth the cold war which divided Germany into two parts namely the democratic West Germany and the communist East Germany; during this time, many people fled from the communist area to the democratic area (Salmons, 2012). As a result of this division, NATO was formed, which later became the European Union and then the world’s largest economy. During this time, East Germany was a communist region and it was headed by dictators.

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